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Motivational Morning Routine

How to start the day healthy, motivated, and ready to take on the day!

When I became a mom, any resemblance of a morning routine went out the window.  Relate?  Today, I have school-age kids and my morning routine was fairly normal,  but I was finding that my morning revolved solely around the kids.  I had to prioritize myself again (us moms forget that sometimes) and I decided to implement some lifestyle changes in my life.  It didn’t all happen overnight, but by working at it and remaining consistent, my morning routine has become fluid and it truly helps me to begin my day on a positive note and much more productive throughout the day.  Morning sets the tone for the day, so being consistent and following healthy habits in the morning will absolutely bring benefits to your health, lifestyle, and mental awareness.

As we all know, life is a constant three-ring circus, full of distractions, pressures, and responsibilities in our day-to-day lives.  Luckily, there are some great lifestyle tools/habits to help make our mornings start out on the right foot!  If you need to get up 30 minutes or an hour earlier each morning to start the day right, my strongest personal advice to you is….JUST DO IT!!  

Here are a few things to follow religiously to kick start your day on a healthy and motivated note-

  • Morning Meditation 

Take a minimum of 5-10 minutes to clear your mind and focus on your thoughts. Start by taking long deep breaths and relax your mind and body.  A 10-minute meditation helps you stay focused on constructive thoughts and decreases the clutter in the brain.  I struggle to slow myself down to meditate, so something that I find works is doing this in bed before I get up.  I have my phone in my side drawer so that I can put on a quick morning motivational meditation before I even get out of bed.  Being consistent on this does help provide clarity, and helps set your intention for the day with positive energy.  Ultimately whatever 10 minutes work for you in the morning is what you need to do, just book the time for yourself;)  Here’s a great video helping explain the benefits and techniques of Meditation by Brendon Bouchard.

  • Be grateful

Practicing gratitude is an important thing to do every morning. When life weighs you down it’s important to be mindful and grateful for the positive things we have in life.  When you wake up, take the time to appreciate your life and all the positive things in it. The more positive things you think about the more positive energy you bring into your day.  A great way to add this positivity to your day is by doing a meditation including positive affirmations and gratitude.  

  • Begin your day with movement

Possibly my favorite morning ritual is before I step out of my cozy bed, I go into a child’s pose, (a yoga stretch).  It’s such a release and great stretch for the lower body to the upper back and it’s a great way to release the tension from the hips.  Once I’m up I enjoy a quick 15-minute blast by Betty Rocker or I do a quick yoga workout to get my day going.  Another great way to get moving is to go for a morning walk, take the dog for a walk and get some fresh air….just don’t skip this step as it’s so important.  “Fitting in” a workout later in the day often gets put off as we get caught up in our busy lives… make it happen before you start your busy day!

  • Begin your day with warm lemon and cayenne water

As you sleep your body has been dehydrated for at least 6-8 hours.  Start your day with a warm glass of water with a lemon squeezed in and 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper.   I personally find it soothing and it has great health benefits, but also suppresses your appetite.  Another refreshing morning drink is water with cucumber or mint leaves.    A glass or two helps replenish your body and keeps your digestive system healthy.

  • Have a healthy breakfast

I’ve never been a person who could skip breakfast, I’m ready to eat in the morning.   Whenever you “choose” to “break your fast” is up to you, but you need to know that this meal sets the tone for how your body will metabolize and process what you put into it for the day.   If you don’t eat until lunchtime, that’s okay, but be mindful of what you “break your fast” with.  Nourishing your body with plenty of proteins, grains, and fruits is a great way to start the day.  A great example for a balanced Morning meal is oatmeal topped with fruits and some plain greek yogurt, a balanced way to start the day!  

  • Put the phone or laptop down until your morning routine is complete

Most people roll over in the morning and check their social media or e-mails first thing to start the day.  What positivity does this bring to your day?  Start your day with an intention on your terms, not what others are “e-mailing you” or “telling you”.  Make sure you don’t touch technology until you’re ready to take on the day and actually need to check these things.  Truly, try it!  Skipping technology in the morning lets you start your day on a healthy and positive note rather than one filled with pressure and negativity. 

  • Step out in the fresh air

Step out on your balcony or the porch and grab some fresh air and hopefully some sunlight. If you can, get in that morning movement by going for a morning walk. Perhaps you can walk  to work, or walk the kids to school?  Walking in the fresh air gives you positivity and is a refreshing and motivating way to wake up positivity. 

  • Pamper Yourself

Give yourself a mini pampering session as you get up in the morning.  Sometimes we get so busy with kids, work, business, and life that we forget about our self-care.  Make this a part of your everyday morning routine.   A healthy skin care routine, a nice warm shower, or hot bath, and dressing nicely for the day (even if you work from home) will help you to feel good and energized for the day.  Think of how you feel when you’ve gotten all dressed up for a night compared to a day in your jammies with no hair or make-up done.  It’s great to have a jammies day every now and then, but for the best day to day productivity, make this an everyday habit and practice it religiously.  Self-Care is required for a healthy lifestyle!! 

  • Make a to-do list every morning

Preparing a quick 5-10 minute to-do list the night before is a great starter for the next day.  Then, at the start of the day, you can re-address your list and fine-tune it for the day when you’re fresh.  Having your day planned in writing, pen to paper is a highly effective way to keep you on point and productive for the day.  Prepare a to-do checklist related to your personal and professional goals. 

These are the simple everyday techniques that I use on a daily basis and these daily habits will benefit anyone motivated to obtain a happier, healthier lifestyle.  I hope this is a useful guide to help you start your day on a positive and healthy note.